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Blessington Millennium Choir was founded as an ecumenical initiative to celebrate the Christian Millennium Year 2000 in Blessington. Under the direction of Yvonne O'Conor the choir boasts between forty and fifty voices of all ages, Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses.  We sing for our own pleasure and, on occasions, have joined with other choirs. We sing to celebrate important occasions like Christmas and Easter and to raise much needed funds for local and national charities.  In the past few years we have performed in Germany, France and the UK as well as supporting a number of charities here in Ireland.

Our practices take place in the Kare Centre, Blessington on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm and new members are always welcome.

Musical Director
Yvonne O'Conor.

Yvonne O'Conor, BSc, is a horticulturalist and garden designer by profession and a talented musical director in her spare time. She founded the Blessington Millennium Choir with accompanist Ruarc Gahan in 1999 following years of Gilbert and Sullivan musical direction at the National Stud.

Rehearsal Pianist
Harry Carpendale

Harry Carpendale, Mus. B., M. Ed. joined the choir as a bass singer in 2012 and quickly took up position as rehearsal pianist. He is a talented harpist and an accomplished musician. His musical talent is a wonderful asset to the choir.

Listen to Harry perform

Soprano Soloist
Ursula Conlan

Ursula Conlan is a singing pupil of Veronica Dunne and Regina Hanley. She is a Feis Mathu and Feis Ceoil winner and has performed with R&R Musical Society and Newbridge Musical Society. She holds a Diploma in Theatre from NUI Maynooth, and was nominated Best Actress in Dublin Theatre Fringe Festival. She recorded an album titled "URSA MAJOR & MINOR" in 1990, with some of her friends. Ursula sings as one of the popular "Three Newbridge Sopranos", and has been a regular soloist since joining BMC.